Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Business of Surf Part 4.5

I overlooked one group not to piss off! Vibes, Lissa may seem nice and sweet, but I heard that her enemies are buried under the deck.........I'm just say'n

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Part #4 Life is Hard

So I’ve given you a few things to think about now here comes Syx’s 6 cold hard facts.


If you’re renting a HS sim, running waves and hope to break even or make money its not going to happen! Sorry its life here in SL running more then one or two shops will kill your waves and people will not come.


If you’re renting a Full sim, running waves and hope to break even or make money its probably not going to happen! You’re going to have a ton of prims to work with, but just not enough space to make it work.


Man/Woman cannot live on donations and events alone! The SLSA has a Board of directors, Team of Sim managers, Event Planers and a large membership and only in the last 4-6 months have been successfully running their sim on Donations and Events. You don’t have those types of resources!


If you want to be a popular well-known beach you are at some point going to have to host a surf comp. Now you say “YES!” this is something I can finally do. Sorry no you can’t, you can if your HS sim is connected to your Full Sim, but its likely you don’t have that either. Remember an HS sim holds about 20 people, where is everyone going to watch the competition from????


It takes a lot of effort; probably more then one person can handle. I would highly recommend you have the help of one or two trusted SL friends.


Don’t piss off the; SLSA, SSI, ASSSBL, ASA, HP, SLSA HOF, Surfwatch, other surf sim owners, CIA, FBI, MI-6, The Mossad, KGB, NAACP, …. Well you get the picture. (I live my own rules) DON’T PISS PEOPLE OFF!

Next I'll tell you how I've managed to make it all work!